From Ars Magica
Occulus | |
150px | |
First Appear | Unknown |
Type of Block | Interactive |
Stackable? | Yes (64) |
Tool Used to Break | Unknown |
Data Values | Hex: ? Dec: ? |
Obeys Law of Physics? | No |
Luminosity | No |
Transparency | No |
Crafting Recipe[edit | edit source]
- Crafting an Occulus requires the following
- 1 x Glass
- 1 x Blue Topaz - Unknown Item
- 2 x Coal
- 3 x Stone Brick
Place the components in the following configuration:
Description[edit | edit source]
The Occulus is a recently added block.
Place an Occulus on the ground and then put a spell in it, it will give you stats on the spell. Mana cost, type of spell, Damage in all 3 casted modes if applicable.