Archive Bookshelves
Desciption[edit | edit source]
Archive Bookshelves are a component that can assist with Spell Creation.
Crafting Recipe[edit | edit source]
- Crafting an Archive Bookshelf requires the following
- 6 x Logs
- 3 x Wood Planks
Place the components in the following configuration:
Uses[edit | edit source]
When within 10 blocks of an active Pure Vinteum Crystal, the bookshelf will assist in reducing the likelihood of ill effects and will lower the natural instability gain rate of the vortex.
Bookshelves need to be filled with Journal Fragments in order to function. The entire lost journal story must be completed in a single bookshelf for it to work. Only one completed journal story per vortex will be accepted. So multiple bookshelves are possible, multiple copies of the same story in different bookshelves, will not.
To add a book, right click the bookshelf. If it is of the same series, and is not already in the shelf, it will be added. Breaking a bookshelf will return the bookshelf and all books that were inside.
Right clicking the bookshelf will allow you to read all parts of the story that have been added to it, ordered correctly (even if you put them into the shelf in a different order, they will be reordered).
Max Stack Size[edit | edit source]
History[edit | edit source]
Version | Changes |
5.36.016 | Introduced to spell creation process |
5.36.026 | Added more placeholder content for the story that can be placed in bookshelves |
5.36.040 | Now affect spell creation as intended (one per story) |
5.36.045 | Attempting to place the "Lost Journal Fragment" into an archive bookshelf no longer causes the game to crash |